Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Nepal is on the List of Top 10 Slowest internet connection in the world

When your internet is slow, it takes ages for a web page to load, hours to watch a 10-minute video on YouTube, your Skype connection fails most of the time midway during a conversation and it takes ages to complete even the simplest online tasks.
This can be blamed on the ISP, but in some countries, the ISP’s cannot do much about as country itself may lack the infrastructure to deliver high internet speeds. Keeping this in mind, here are the 10 countries with the world’s slowest internet speeds.
10. Malaysia
The internet was introduced in Malaysia in 1995. That’s long enough. But the country has failed to latch on to the internet as it should and offers an average internet speed of only 1.2 Mbps. Malaysia is ranked no. 71 in the world as far as its internet connectivity is concerned.

9. Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan, an erstwhile member of the Soviet Union has one of the slowest internet connections in the world. Internet was only introduced in Kazakhstan in 2001, so the country has a lot of catching up to do.
8. Indonesia
There is a strong competition between Indonesia and its neighbor Malaysia on almost everything. When it comes to internet speed, Indonesia performs slightly better, with an average internet speed of 1.5 Mbps. Not good enough, though!
 7. Syria
We cannot blame Syria for having one of the slowest internet connections in the world as the country has been ravaged by a brutal civil war. The internet speed in Syria is about 20% lower than the global average, so it’s pretty slow.
6. Bolivia
Bolivia is a South American nation with a ridiculously low internet speed. However, the government of Bolivia has been working hard to improve the nation’s internet infrastructure. Even so, Bolivia has the sixth slowest internet in the world.
5. India
India is a nation with a lot of potential and has one of the world’s fastest growing tech companies. But we don’t really have anything nice to say about India’s internet speeds. They are very slow indeed. India’s average internet speed is 27% below the global average. The Indian government has been working hard to change this, and 2015 saw a substantial 5.6% improvement in India’s internet speed.
4. Iran
Iran is a country that is largely shut off from the rest of the world because of the sanctions imposed against it by the United States. That’s why Iran’s internet speeds are also very low. But because of the new nuclear deal between the U.S. and Iran, the sanctions will be lifted soon. We expect to see a great improvement in Iran’s broadband infrastructure because of this.
 3. Nigeria
Nigeria is an African country and has a large population. Nigeria has a very slow internet speed, which is as low as 256 Kbps. We hope to see some improvement here in the near future.
2. Nepal
Nepal is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, but it also has the second slowest internet speed, which is well below the global average. Large parts of Nepal do not have access to the internet either.
1. Libya
Libya is the country with the world’s slowest internet speed. Libya’s internet speeds are 52 percent below the global average. Indeed, over 95% of Libya’s population does not have access to the internet. But one cannot really blame Libya for it as the country has witnessed tremendous political upheavals over the last few years. We expect the internet speed in Libya to improve once there is political stability in the country.

source : dospeedtest.com on  11 May 2016

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